Add Song

Why Eric named it Song instead of music?

A song function requires a trigger to play song in order to play it.

URL refers to the song link. Only Newgrounds or freemusicarchieve websites are accepted.

This manual is more focused on Newgrounds music insertion as 99% of map developer prefer this method.

Basically all you need to do is find a song URL (Not download link duh) and paste into the URL section.

Newgrounds music had some rules in order to get used by Plazma burst 2:

  1. The song needs to be less than 15 MB

  2. The song needs to have more than 10 votes

  3. The song needs to have appropriate title and tags

  4. The song needs to have 6/10 or more rating (3+ stars)

  5. Maximum of 8 music are allowed in 1 single map.

Volume means how big you want of this song to be played.

Loop is self-explanation.

Trigger on end means triggers something when the song ends. Useful for connect another song.

An other reason why the song is not playing is because the song's author has disabled downloads. To be able to see an error message you need to have put an e mark that enables that.

Last updated