Add Player

The map can't run if we don't have a player to begin with.

Let's face it; whether it is a Multi-Player map or Single-Player map, you need at least ONE player! (Or wise your map can’t even run tbh…)

Click anywhere on the grid to create your character. Now, let us look at its modifications...

Speed X/Y basically tells you how fast the velocity of your character will run and/or jump upon start.

Putting in -1 value for x and/or y will prevent them from moving, and anything below it will revert their controls. Default values are 0.

Hitpoints and Maximum Hitpoints tell how much health you want them to have. You can have as many Hitpoints than Maximum Hitpoints, and the same goes vice versa (although in some cases, if you have more Maximum Hitpoints than Hitpoints, the Hitpoints value will go to what its Maximum Hitpoints value is). Default value is 130 for both.

Modifying your character's team is important; if you have the enemy on the same team as you, then the map is not as fun. There are many teams to choose from:

Direction explains where you want the player to look when they first spawn into the game. Default is right.

Character is one of the important elements in making your player(s). There are many to choose from:

"In car" is used for making your character already inside a vehicle (Even though it says "car", it means any vehicle).

AI Behaviour is used for "Enemies", mostly. What this does is it controls how the character will interact with the player.

"Trigger on death" is a special element. When the character dies, it'll activate a trigger (e.g., killing a Civil Security soldier will open a door).

As far as we concerned, the trigger on death is not sync during multiplayer, so the trigger executed by it would not happen if newer player joined after the character is dead.

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